the story was that i was actually watching TV3's 8 pm Bulletin Utama(News) and i was well kinda bored coz its all about Najib and his 60 billion lifeline for the recession and i was playing with my phone...then it dropped..hit hard on the floor and the screen just went blank...shit
friend : go get yourself a new phone la!
cimee : waiting for iPhone la!
friend : please la even indonesia has iPhone now...
cimee : so?
friend : so? malaysia will not get iPhone!
My phone was resuscitated after 5 minutes and well not long after it falls of my hand again for the second time
cimee : waiting for iPhone la!
friend : please la even indonesia has iPhone now...
cimee : so?
friend : so? malaysia will not get iPhone!
My phone was resuscitated after 5 minutes and well not long after it falls of my hand again for the second time
friend : seriously go get a new phone..thats the second time
cimee: i dun care as long as this thing can function i shall wait for iPhone
friend: go get the unlocked version...its all over Low Yatt
cimee : you know i'm not that type plus its more expensive and u can't really maximise its usage
friend : wtv!
cimee: i dun care as long as this thing can function i shall wait for iPhone
friend: go get the unlocked version...its all over Low Yatt
cimee : you know i'm not that type plus its more expensive and u can't really maximise its usage
friend : wtv!
Well, while playing my phone again..haha... watching the news something caught my eye...a sentence at the far corner of the TV...u know those short sentences on that news that is not important to be said by the newscaster but well shouldn't be left read ' iPhone dibawa masuk oleh Maxis March 20' which means ' Maxis to bring iPhone March 20'. i was speechless and then i jumped as high as i could laughing out loud...the friends was shocked and when i told them they were like ' yaaaa riteeee' and i asked them to wait for the news to doesn't but then i called another friend to confirm through the internet(there's no internet service in Temerloh where i currently stay during the weekdays) and he confirmed it. so cool!
me me....i wanna be among the first!
I was so thrilled i called my dad to remind him of his promise n he remembered...haha... cool and i think the rates are not that bad...only that its Maxis...I'm so use with Celcom....but then..something doesn't seem right...when i checked apple's site Malaysia's flag is not in the list of countries with iPhone...not even the coming soon list...question2??
So where's Malaysia??