When i started the blog... i've aimed to at least put in a post every 2 weeks... the sole purpose is just to keep me writing and thats the reason of me not promoting this blog... not at all... i dun put a password coz i dun mind people reading but at the same time i just want to write and eventhough the blog does sound like i'm trying to inform the world stuff its just how i want to write.. a first person view kind of writing... this blog may not be as creative as some of those by the many talented bloggers but at least sufficient for me to.... just write... or type in this case. Its totally different than doing case write ups(duhh??!) and i just want a channel to let it go... but somehow along the way i found it to be somesort of a burden(not that i have fans.. just the obligation i made to myself.. stupid huh? having oneself burden himself)... with the pack schedule i have... i found its hard to find inspirations to write...
Life has been great... its been full of activities... since my last post i could have written bout my Raya, Christmas with my good frens(hella nite), my orthopaedics and CHFM postings, rock climbing(yes... i am now a rock climber... woohoo for me!) and my recent trip to Phuket... when i think bout it i'm always infront of the computer... sumtimes wasting time at my facebook profile waiting for new notifications or checking friends updates however i never thought of actually putting an entry... i'm 'inspirationless'?... nah... i'm just lazy!!!!

Isn't that the cutest? -courtesy of Kak Mardiah