Tuesday, October 28, 2008

open house buffet galore!

group pic at fabulous fatin's open house

well....we the malays celebrate raya like nobody business...we celebrate it for a month....since it was deepavali last monday many took the opportunity to do their open houses that weekend since many is on holiday...

and for me who had just finished exams i literally search for open houses...haha...well....i went to quite alot and there is also deepavali at a friends house, terrific tanez..haha...a must every year for her tairu coleslaw...yum2...

now i'm back in kuantan and starting gynaecology and obstetric...haha...with new found spirit...hope it burns throughout this posting....

n i just found out that my friends have really good memory when it comes to events that humiliate me...and some i dun even know they knew..damn..btw..i do have some stuff up my sleeves..haha

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